Saturday, December 8, 2007

Nelson again, Dec 7-9

We left Kaikoura on Friday morning and drove north along the gorgeous east coast. There were some stretches of sandy or gravelly beach that were many many miles long, with occasional offshore rocks at small points, but mostly nothing but open sea, bright aqua. Seabirds galore, occasional seals. On the land side cliffs or steep hills, vegetation not looking nearly as windwhipped as on the west coast. Lots of silver poplar, lots of rata or pohu.......--the NZ christmas tree. Not a lot of ferns. After the road turned inland south of Blenheim, I could have sworn I was in California in summertime. Golden hills, isolated trees that looked from a distance like big valley oaks but were actually often either Monterey pine or Monterey cyprus, occasionally something else I couldn't identify. Vineyards, rounded golden hills, isolated trees, sunshine--the most "familiar" landscape I have seen. No sheep!

We didn't do any winery visiting or tasting, seemed a dumb idea on a warm afternoon with more driving to do. Did stop at Makana chocolate factory, but didn't care too much for what was on offer, too sweet to my taste (give me that 72% Valrhona!!). At Havelock we turned west and for the first time were retracing our previous route. John asked if I'd like to go around again, and I surely would, but that is not in the cards.

We found a place to stay in Nelson and took a long walk on the beach and along the seawall, had dinner and took a long walk back to the place we're staying. Shorts weather, first time since Wanaka three weeks ago. We reallly like the Nelson area--it's reminiscent of Santa Barbara in a way, hills backing the town, lots of tourists, fishing, attractive downtown area. We went to the well-known Nelson market Saturday morning--good crafts, lots of cooked food, lots of coffee, baked goods, and the first farmstand produce we've seen. The produce wasn't as varied and there weren't nearly as many vendors as the SB market, but it was a lovely market, and we spent several hours and bought some gifts and our first strawberries, raspberries, and cherries (probably our last, too). Talked to a lot of the craftspeople and farmers--everyone very friendly of course, happy to chat even if other people were waiting to buy something.

Fed ducks along the little river here in the afternoon, went to a Japanese garden that seems a bit unkempt, must be a lack of funds, and wandered on the beach again. Made dinner at the motel, and took one more beach walk. So many clam and mussel shells on the beach. Sunset around 9PM here further north.

Today is Sunday here, and it's our last day on the south island. We're driving to Picton and will take the ferry to Wellington early tomorrow morning, spend some time at the Te Papa museum. Tuesday is my birthday, we'll celebrate somehow! Feeling sad to be leaving the south island, certainly hope we will make it back one day. It is ungodly beautiful in many many places. This might be the last post until we get home (assuming we get home. If we don't please all know that we love you very much!)


Anonymous said...

Let's see if this works. Love your blog! Sent it to my cousin who is Bird Person Too. Love, Sara

Aras Ograf said...

Happy Birthday Shelley!!! Wonder what you will do? Can anything beat swimming with the dolphins?

Beautiful crisp days here this past weekend and today looks like it will be that way also.

Off to work, then next week am off and am so happy about that. When will you be back in SB?

So excited that the comment works...Love, Sara